Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Inspection on the farmhouse was today and things seem pretty A-ok. A couple funky items--one being that the dryer appears to vent into the ceiling (not a good thing). We will likely have to remove the sheetrock (which has some little cracks due to the moisture that has built up due to this problem) and add new ducts to vent the dryer properly (ie--into the outdoors). The water softener also seems defunct. This might appear a small problem, but the water in the hill country is often caustic enough to corrode fixtures and pipes. It is extremely mineral-laden. So we'll have to negotiate a bit on that point. Things look pretty good compared to the last home we inspected, though (AC busted, pipes leaking, roof leaking, pool disassembled . . . the list goes on). So we are, cautiously, excited.

I've attached a shot of the downstairs living area. You guys tell me what you think of the brown paint (espresso bean, I think it's called). I think I may actually love it. It makes the room feel so cozy, almost English. And the light actually bounces off the walls in a lovely way, in stripes. Furniture and woodwork really pop against it, too.

I am trying to prioritize what my projects will be once we take up residence. We may fence the whole property so our dog can run hog-wild. We will almost certainly put in a larger window over the kitchen sink (one pane is fogged anyway). Might also truck in an enormous load of compost/topsoil for a little kitchen garden in the upper portion of the property. New bathtubs in upper bathrooms, new tile in the hall bath . . . hmmm.


Mamameo said...

Ooh la la, I love the espresso bean color! Yes, a definate YES! I wish I could be your dog running hog wild out in the hill country...over here, it's finally beginning to show signs of Spring...50 degree weather and just one patch of snow in our front yard. Ha! Well, we'll see what March does for my nerves..missing you too! Missin' Austin incredibly as well!!

Joan Allen said...

I've always liked brown tones. I'd definitely move the dryer vent. Aunt Beth and Uncle Joe have a vent that goes thru the ceiling and they have to take the leaf blower and blow it out regularly.

cora rodenbusch said...
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cora rodenbusch said...

the living room is stunning! I hadn't read the entire post through and I thought that was a picture that you scanned in from a magazine. I think you should definitly keep the color. It looks very nice with the white fire place.

looking good Meg - we'll keep our fingers crossed.

home owners... so jealous. :)