Wednesday, March 4, 2009

almost a year . . .

As of the 15th we will have been out here for a full year. Hard to believe, as we are still adjusting in so many ways. But life has proven beautiful--full of blue skies, friends, the scratching of hens, and the bustling business of two little girls (and the parents trying to keep up with them). I feel blessed. I just wish it would rain. But I know I am not alone in that desire.

I'll post here a passel of photos I'd like you folks to see: of Aurora at her school's Open House, of our trip to the Houston Zoo this past weekend, and of a relaxing playdate at Adrienne and Grover's house on Monday. SO here you go!

Laurel inspecting the turtle shell at the zoo playscape.
A beautiful Brahma heiffer.
Aurora pretending she's a beaver at the playscape.
Adrienne and Grover on their porch.
Baby drum circle!
Aurora practicing her embroidery.
The classroom.

1 comment:

Mamameo said...

What school is this? Beautiful!