Tuesday, November 18, 2008

busy bees and butterflies, and the lovely eldar pine

The butterflies and bees are going nuts over our big blooming rosemary bush (and the turk's cap too)! There is a hum surrounding it that makes me wish I had some beehives . . . I wonder what rosemary honey would taste like?

I also just ordered and received two sapling Eldar Pines (also known as Mondell or Afghan pines, pinus brutia). We have a full-grown specimen on our land that I adore, and when I asked Adrienne she said that they had planted it and that it had grown like gangbusters! It is one of the very few pines that will grow out here and is quite rare. Most pines like acidic soil, not alkaline and dry like ours. We are hoping to use them as a screen at the bottom of the field. I've included shots of them and our gorgeous full-grown specimen.

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