Thursday, October 16, 2008

what a relief

RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!! The earth is finally feeling a little friendly and spongy again, like things could live in it and off of it. We had a full day of rain and our pond is liquid again. The air has that crisp empty feeling of fall--full of possibility. I planted a new fig tree and a bunch of wildflower seeds. Fingers crossed for them!

We went out to Pedernales Falls with the Guilford Glascoffs on their last full day here and it was just gorgeous, if a bit crowded. There is something that happens when you get about half-way out there on Fitzhugh. The land opens up in this dramatic way, like a book, full of sweeps and crooks and crevices and bold stretches of openness. I am falling in love with it. I'll include a shot or two--

Just returned from my brothers B-day celebration "Will-toberfest." He was decked out in lederhosen and all. Adorable. We got him a dancing gnome and a Lowe's gift certificate for the renovation of their new house in town. They are leaving their spot on The High Road. It is just gorgeous, four acres and a view of downtown--but from their new place they can walk to cafes and the like. Good ol' city living.

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