Thursday, August 7, 2008

what a horrible time to be a gardener (in texas)

Spent a long while weeding one of the beds in our garden here (such as it is) yesterday. It put me in mind of a cover of Texas Gardener where Skip Richter is pointing a shotgun at some crabgrass. The frustrating thing about gardening here in the summer is that the rest of the country is enjoying lovely, effortless color and you feel like you should be able to accomplish that. But you just can't, at least not without spending your life savings on water. Even so it's a tall order.

We really are good gardeners! I'll include some old shots of that Zilker garden. I think the raised beds were key there. You just have to add some tillable soil on top of the limestone if you want to make any progress without putting out your back and your patience. I am working on some plans for this garden which include an additional L-shaped bed along the front line of fencing and a mosaic patio outside the kitchen door (where anything and everything is currently tracked into the house).

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