Thursday, February 19, 2009

fun with fingerpaints

Aurora never really liked fingerpainting as a toddler, but I guess she has gotten over her distaste. Laurel likes it just fine. I love these moments when the two small-fry can co-exist peacefully.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

afternoon at the zoo

It rained on Monday! Which was great, but I had promised the kids a trip to the zoo that day. So we ended up going in the afternoon with dada. We had the place to ourselves, and the roaring of lions filled the air. I can imagine it would be a bit creepy to be there after dark, with those bellowing sounds surrounding you . . . knowing that the whole "lions and tigers and bears" thing was not just your imagination . . .

Sunday, February 8, 2009

lazy sicky family, pretty sunset, fun howling, new orchard, that about does it.

We've all got some respiratory thing. Wheezy sniffly ack. We're about one week on one week off with the diseases. Talked to Matt and he said that his fam in CT was about the same, sick now too. That made me feel better somehow, like it wasn't some kind of major failure on my part that we keep getting sick. We're trying! Vitamins, baths, handwashing, fruit and veg . . . and yet here we are. At least we can all still howl with Zeppo while watching Fantasia.

Sunday, February 1, 2009