My apologies to those of you with sensitive ears:
The McCain campaign is whipping up a load of bull-crap mousse! It might look like chocolate to some of you who fail to take a whiff, but it is NOT!!! That man has voted with Bush 90% of the time. DO NOT vote for him and expect change.
My greatest distaste for the speech and images of the RNC we saw on TV last night was the sea of cowboy hats out there. That man has nothing to offer the folks who are really out there sweating under those hats. Got heat exhaustion? NO health insurance for you! Lost your ranch due to foreclosure? Too bad--we love the bankers and crooked mortgage brokers more than we love you! Kids flunking out of school?? Don't worry--we'll fire all their teachers and close down their school!! What an utter load of bullshit. The people with dirt under their nails and sweat on their brows will not be served by this man, nor does it appear as though he is willing to hand over any of his innumerable houses to the many homeless Americans he is supposedly going to fight
for. And on the note of that closing mantra of FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT . . . These folks are nothing but a writhing, senseless mob fighting the inevitable, beautiful, and necessary gathering light of dawn. And that dawn is coming after a long, long night. Woe to all of us if they win that fight. (And woe to them that they should even consider mounting it).
Behind all the tough talk and "country first" noise is a platform that is going to dig us even deeper into the pit we are wallowing in right now. Do not vote for this man!